These are my notes for a presentation that I would have given to several law firm administrators on June 21st, 2006, had the talk not been canceled.
- Current and future technology:
- Open Source
- Linux
- Open Office
Example: Mainframe -> IBM PC/DOS -> Apple -> IBM Windows -> Linux
Example: Word Star -> Word Perfect -> MS Office -> Open Office
- Yes, it is generally best to buy once rather than rent… when value stays the same.
- Technology is changing very rapidly. The old model of buying a 3 to 5 year solution no longer works.
- Renting/subscribing to services allows you to focus on the services you need, not the technology behind them.
- Less investment in technology equals a more agile company.
- If you are not needing to recoup an investment, you can keep your eyes on the goal, not where you’ve been.
- Success comes from constant change, proper application of technology can make this less painful.
Example: Spam and virus control is vital, but constantly changing * Dedicated service is able to keep more up to date * Centrally managed prevents problems when a workstation doesn't update and gets infected * Prevents spam and viruses from even coming into the network, keeps them outside.
Example: Email used to just be email, now it is groupware with serious security complications * Lists * Calendaring * Tasks * Document sharing
Example: Websites used to just display contact information * Online chat * Customer forums * ecommerce
Example: Working remotely * VPN * Citrix * Novell Remote Office
Best Practice and Automation
- Once you know your business practices, they can be automated.
- Repetitive tasks can be automated. Don’t pay $7/hr for two years to do a task that can be automated for $500.
- Magic number is two. If a task will take a person two man weeks over two years, it’s worth automating.
- Do not fear automating away jobs. You’re not in business to pay people, you’re in business to make money.
- If the workers are worth keeping, they will adapt. That’s to your advantage.
- If they are not worth keeping, they will go to a less efficient company. That’s also to your advantage.
- The best technology is systems-based, many small components working together for a greater whole.
- It also works for organizations, give each person small, well-defined roles, and everyone becomes more efficient.
- As technology improves, automate the roles that you can, and free people to focus on goals of business growth.
- Update Update Update
- Keep systems current and secure against threats
- Keep machinery under contract, so it can be fixed or replaced when there is a problem
Example: Novell Zenworks * Allows for highly automated support, inventory control, and system imaging.
Example: Novell iPrint * Simplified printing, allowing for end users to service themselves. * Also provides centralized authentication to printing resources
Example: Novell AppArmor * Wraps an application and prevents it from doing anything the admin says it can't do. * Even if app is hacked, the damage cannot spread.
Document and Don’t Duplicate Effort
- Once you know exactly where you stack up against your competitors, you know your strengths and weaknesses.
- Use tech to make your strengths scalable
- Use tech to make supplement your weaknesses
- Tech used for documentation reduces duplication of work within your organization
Example: Revision Control Programmers use a technique called Revision Control to keep track of changes in code. Basically, the system receives files and stores older versions. This way, if you ever need an earlier version of a file, or to know who changed something and why, you just ask the system. It's like a super backup system.
Example: Wiki The concept behind a wiki is a web site where anyone can edit any page. This is very useful when making encyclopedias and other knowledge repositories. In business, however, you want a bit more control. Using a controlled-wiki, however, allows all the people you designate to freely document process and suggest improvements. This can leverage your organization and create a culture that embraces change, rather than resisting it.
Example: Spelling Personally, I have never been able to spell very well. As a child, I learned to use Apple Works, a word processor on the Apple IIc to write papers. I got into the habit of always using a computer to spell check my work. By supplementing my weakness this way, I built a career for myself.
Apply Technology Properly
- Technology is also a huge contributor to corporate culture.
- Tech can complicate work flow and create a class of “irreplaceable people”
- This is often referred to as job security
- However, tech can also be used to create an atmosphere of transparency, so all employees are accountable.
- This keeps everyone honest and keeps quality high.
- This also means that the company as a whole does not suffer when one employee is absent.
- Tech can complicate work flow and create a class of “irreplaceable people”
Example: Messenger * Cost of interruptions is very high, often higher than the need to be instantly available. * Instant decisions are often wrong. * On the other hand, the ability to communicate real-time with disparate employees is very useful. * Treat IM like net meetings. * Schedule them in advance * Archive the discussions
Example: Website * Your website is an employee, not a brochure. * Must be interactive * Must present the business * Must answer all questions
Example: Social Software * Livejournal, myspace, amazon, ebay, forums * These techniques amplify marketing, positive and negative * Stay on the good side of the internet. Best way is to be honest and forthright. * Unethical behaviour will get uncovered and stay with you forever. Best to never start.